Dominiek Maes graduated as a veterinarian from Ghent University in 1993. He obtained a Master degree in Animal Production from Ghent University in 1995, a Master degree in Veterinary Epidemiology and Herd Health from Utrecht University (The Netherlands) in 1998, and a PhD on swine respiratory disease from Ghent University in 1998. He has worked as a post-doc at the University of Minnesota (US). He became associate professor at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in 2003, Ghent University, and full professor in 2012. Since 2003, he is the head of the Unit of Porcine Health Management. He has been the president of IPVS Belgian branch, the European College of Porcine Health Management and the European Board of Veterinary Specialisation. His research focusses on porcine health management, including production and reproduction. He is the coordinator of the VetCEE approved course “Vakdierenarts varken”, the post-graduate education programs related to porcine health management at the faculty and the practice course “Reproduction and reproduction problems in pigs”.