Jo Leroy is a ruminant veterinarian (2001) and did his PhD about the impact of the negative energy balance in dairy cows on reproductive physiology and on oocyte and embryo quality (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Ugent, Belgium). He collaborated in the ambulatory large animal clinic.
In fall 2006 Leroy moved to the University of Antwerp teaching Veterinary Physiology, Pathophysiology and Husbandry. Furthermore, he has built his own research line focusing on the effect of maternal metabolic health on embryo quality and on offspring’s health. Leroy is president of the AETE ( and advisor of industrial partners. He is the author of more than 100 peer reviewed scientific papers (Web of Science ID: and supervised more than 10 PhD theses. Since 1 January 2018 he is full professor at the Department of Veterinary Sciences at UAntwerp.