Hanne graduated as a veterinarian in 2003, worked as a practitioner in a mixed practice for five to six years, with periods of laboratory work intermingled. In between, she spent five months working in a farrowing stable as a farmer. From 2006 to 2014, she worked at Seges, Pig Disease Laboratory. Her primary task at the laboratory was to perform necropsies. During that time, she did an industrial Phd on neonatal diarrhoea in collaboration with the University of Copenhagen. Since 2016, she is employed at Aarhus University, Department of Animal Science. There, she works with both conventional and alternative systems (organic and free-range) and their different challenges. In conventional systems, reducing sow mortality and use of antibiotics are major challenges. Hanne is also part of the EURCAW-pigs (EU Reference Centre for Animal Welfare – pigs) consortium.