Prof. dr. Hogeveen Henk
Date of Birth: April 14, 1966
Current Position: Personal professor Animal Health Management
The work field of Henk Hogeveen is at the cross roads of economics and veterinary epidemiology, animal welfare and public health. He works to support decisions on animal health management, primarily on production diseases in dairy cattle, although other animals or other types of diseases are sometimes also studied. Economic modelling is an important aspect of the work.
1984-1989: BSc & MSc (Animal Science) at Wageningen University
1989-1994: PhD at the Veterinary Faculty of Utrecht University
1994-2001: Various leadership positions at Agricultural Research Institutes
2001-2005: Assistant professor Animal Health Economics at Wageningen University
2005-2013: Associate professor Animal Health Economics at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Utrecht University
2014- now: Personal professor Animal Health Management at Wageningen University.
Publication record
Until now, Henk Hogeveen has published close to 250 papers in peer-reviewed journals (of which ~85% in ISI Q1 journals) leading to an h-factor of 44 and 62 respectively in ISI web of science and Google Scholar. Besides, he has numerous publications in scientific proceedings, books and professional journals.
PhD supervision
Henk successfully supervised 30 PhD students sofar and is currently supervising 11 PhD students
Teaching record
During his years working at a university (since 2001), Henk Hogeveen has spent approximately 40 % of his time on teaching, I has contributed to sixteen courses at the BSc, MSc and PhD level. Besides that he has been guest teacher in the post-academic Masters course of the University of Sydney.
The student evaluations of Henk’s teaching activities have always been good, ranging from 3.8 to 4.7 (on a scale from 1-5) for the Wageningen courses and from 8.1 to 8.7 on a scale from 1-10) for the Utrecht and e-learning courses. From the board of the Utrecht University Graduate School of Life Sciences, Henk got in 2009 the following comment for a post-academic MSc course: “We are extremely satisfied to find that students value the overall quality of your course extremely high. The rating for overall quality for your course leaves nothing to be desired other than maintaining these high standards in your future teaching”.