Kaat Goris graduated in 2001 from the Veterinary School of Ghent University, Belgium. She worked at the department Anatomy & Physiology of Antwerp University for one year as assistant while doing research on Lawsonia intracellularis in pigs. In 2002 she took the lead in a Salmonella project at the Flanders Animal Health Department (DGZ). From 2004 till 2014 she worked as nutritionist and veterinarian in one of the most important Belgian feed mills (ARVESTA). Since March 2014 she joined Cargill CPN (Cargill Premix & Nutrition, Provimi) Europe as swine application specialist. In this role she gives technical support to the sales teams in Western Europe and participates in different innovation projects, making the link between sales and product development. Cargill provides food, agriculture, financial and industrial products and services to the world