Bogado Osvaldo: Osvaldo Bogado completed his DVM degree in the National University of Asuncion (Paraguay)in 2011. In 2012, he concluded a two years Post Graduate Study in the National University of Cordoba (Argentina) in “Biotechnology of Reproduction in Cattle”. During 2011 and 2012 Osvaldo Bogado did his training in cattle reproduction related activities such as A. I.,ultrasound, E.T. and O.P.U, in Vicosa-Brazil. Osvaldo’s field experience in the reproduction area was immediately after he finished his DVM. Doing approximately 50.000 of reproductive ultrasounds, 30.000 fixed time inseminations and several flushings and OPUs in 2012 and 2013. In 2013, Osvaldo Bogado was selected for a 3 year’s scholarship for a Complete Doctorate Training in Gent University (Belgium). At the moment, Osvaldo Bogado is working in the topic of Sub Clinical Endometritis in Cattle, focusing mainly in practical approaches. Specifically his research work is related to: Diagnosis of Subclinical Endometritis using different techniques, Effect of Sub Clinical endometritis in fertility and Treatment of Subclinical Endometritis.